Courses Offered | Importance of Career Counseling
Before joining any educational institute, it is the right of the
student to have solid reasons to join or associate with them. Below are the
reasons why students should opt for PRCC over other institutes:
1. Impeccable Administration: Strict administration
followed by discipline for everyone associated to our Institute. The Director
himself taking up place in the Institute and taking classes makes an impact
that the studies and quality of classes are not compromised.
2. Highly Qualified &Trained Faculty: Faculty is
recruited from the central universities, and top institutes only. It is the
main focus of the director to train the faculty himself as and when required.
3. Relevant Study Materials and Test Papers: Specifically
designed study materials and test papers by subject experts on the basis of the latest pattern and for easy understanding is provided. This material is
constantly updated as per requirement.
4. Competitive Environment: Highly competitive
environment motivates the students for focused learning that brings the best
5. Integrated Teaching Approach: ‘Integrated
Teaching Methodologies’ have been in place to prepare the students for
School/Board as well as Competitive Exams.
6. Individualized Education Program (IEP): ‘Individualized Education
Program’ is the unique feature of our Institute and contains a specially
designed pattern for study according to subject and individual needs. This IEP
is updated on regular basis as per requirement.
7. Revision Classes: These classes serve as a catalyst in strengthening the confidence of weak, non-serious and shy students
parallel to that of the toppers.
8. Compensatory Classes: Through PowerPoint
slides, the material is provided to all the students to cover the topics, they have
missed while absenting from the classes as well as also to revise the topics at
9. Motivational and Personality development Classes: Director,
PRCC conducts motivational and personality development classes himself for students on a regular basis, which adds renewed
spirit and enthusiasm in the students.